Updates and Articles
Abacus Capital's Hogi Hyun: “Diamonds represent a very good…
Hogi Hyun, Founder, D1 Coin and Managing Director, Abacus Capital, shares insights on the application of blockchain technology to the asset management…
News Analysis
Dubai-based Al Kasir Group launches diamond backed crypto…
A joint venture with the private investment office of Sheikh Ahmed Bin Obaid Al Maktoum was established to market and sell physical diamonds, precious…
Research Note
The inevitable rise of the fiat cryptocurrency
Despite concerns over the unbridled speculation that has inflated the value of cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings, many governments have embarked…
Building a global loyalty network on blockchain
Hana Financial Group has launched an ambitious global initiative to create a shared-loyalty platform that is built on blockchain technology. The group’s…
Reaching beyond the “crypto” community
Despite the current turmoil in the cryptocurrency world, Andy Tian, co-founder and chief executive officer of Asia Innovations Group, believes that the…
Research Note
Are cryptocurrencies on the path to becoming mainstream?
Spurts in prices of cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings over the last two years, with start-ups raising millions in minutes, have raised excitement…
Swarm Fund’s Pieper: "We are focused on providing a new…
Philipp Pieper, partner and co-founder of Swarm Fund, talks about the nature of the company, how it is using blockchain, and how it deals with different…
Radio Finance
Dash’s Taylor: “Despite their volatility, cryptocurrencies…
Ryan Taylor, chief executive officer, Dash, discusses the position of the company in the industry today, its differences to other crypto currencies, and…
BTCC's Lee: "BTCC ATM holds bitcoin in over 100 currencies"
Bobby Lee, chief executive officer of BTCC, demonstrates the different transactions that can be accomplished using the bitcoin automated teller machine,…